

We are proud to work with everyone from indie developers to AAA publishers and we offer services for any budget. We cover multiple regions, specializing in North America and Europe, and work with multiple platforms. Whether you are developing an MMORPG for PC, a hard-hitting FPS for console, or an immersive RPG for mobile, Vicarious PR has you covered.

One of the benefits of working with Vicarious is that our core team works on your project. Why is this important? So glad you asked! Have you been wined and dined by other PR firms? Have the executives promised to personally handle your account, but then never called? And worse yet, have they handed your account off to an intern and they never called? We know how disillusioned that can make you. At Vicarious PR our core team personally handles your project.

We strive to provide a service that you can look back on and feel so pleased that you’ll come back for more. After all, your success is our success and we strive to make your project succeed from press coverage to community engagement.


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Influencer marketing
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All about conversions
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